Event Photography

We love capturing events, whether it is parties, ribbon cuttings, retirements or important milestones. If you have any type of personal or business event coming up, contact us and let us capture the best moments for you! It will be our absolute pleasure! Schedule your time and date at the bottom of this page.

Macedonian Night At Compass Arena 2024

Parties are a special type of event we just love covering. Everyone is in a good mood, dancing, having fun, and we just love capturing that.

Unlimited Carrier 20 YR Anniversarry

Company milestones should definitely be celebrated and cherished. Twenty years in business is definitely something to be proud of! Congratulations UC!

Plainfield Spooktacular 2024

In 2023 we were a sponsor, but in 2024 we decided to book a space, set up a backdrop and capture everyones awesome costumes! Best idea ever!

Steve’s Retirement Party

Retirement is yet another major milestone in ones life. We work so hard, our entire lives and when the day of our retirement comes, it should be celebrated and captured!

Broad Shoulders Handyman Ribbon Cutting

Welcoming new businesses is great! Ribbon cutting ceremonies create a first impression for potential clients, and that’s important!

Animal Medical Center Ribbon Cutting

We love welcoming new businesses! Especially businesses that our community values as well. And we all know that everyone values the health of their pets!